A new study has shown that small and medium-sized enterprises in Australia are more hopeful about profits than any time since the global economic crisis.
The National Australia Bank (NAB) Quarterly Small Business Survey is currently at 21 points for business and consumer confidence, compared to minus 23 points between June and December 2009.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the results could encourage Australian finance investing by painting a picture of recovery from the recession and a boost in profits for the country's firms.
Geoff Greer, executive general manager of the NAB, said: "Whilst the stimulus package supported low demand at the peak of crisis, we are now seeing the transition to private sector-led growth as businesses start to invest."
The newspaper recently reported that Justice Richard Edmonds is calling for a clarification of a law concerning Australian taxation, which he believes is hindering the ability for outside companies to invest in the country.
Posted by Steve Douglas