I am very proud to say that 2020 marks the 25th Anniversary of when we established SMATS Group in Singapore.
Since those early days we have grown to be a major international company offering many varied professional services to our important and valued clients all over the world.
It was especially pleasing to end 2019 with a flurry of recognition of our efforts including;
- Listing in the AFR Top100 Accounting Firms in Australia,
- Winning the Consensus Software Award for our unique custom built Online Business Management System that we will be offering publicly in the near future, and
- Helen Avis & our Specialist Mortgage team winning the SFG International Broker of the Year Award for the 4th consecutive year.
It still feels like we have only just begun our journey as it is very exciting times at SMATS.
We have a simple formula for success that remains true today and will remain our compass moving forward. Provide genuine and sincere service, at a reasonable cost, and grow through the respect and recognition of your clients and their willingness to refer. Then make sure you have caring staff that appreciate the role they play in their clients lives and are in turn appreciated by the company for their loyalty and effort.
It may seem silly and old fashioned to many in this world where most companies are profit focused, but it is our culture at SMATS, and we are very proud of this.
Our company motto of GLOBAL POWER | LOCAL KNOWLEDGE | UNIQUELY PERSONAL sums that up very well, and was formulated from our belief and actions, rather than just some marketing consultant. It is what will take us into the next 25 years and beyond.
To all of our clients, business associates and team members, I remain extremely grateful of your support and assistance as you helped us create the company we are now and strive to be in the future.