In a move which should make it simpler for renters to find accommodation that meets their needs and easier for investors to understand what the market rate is for their investment property, the Victorian State Government has announced it aims to introduce a voluntary standard for rental accommodation next year.
Housing Minister Candy Broad said a Decent Standards Rental Guide will be released next year which would allow real estate agents to provide an easy to understand rating of their properties.
"We want renters to confidently walk into a real estate agent and know that any property they are offered will be a safe and comfortable home that meets a decent standard," said Ms Broad.
The Minister added that there are currently 342,000 rental properties in Victoria but renters would have little idea of their facilities and condition unless they made a physical inspection.
The Office of Housing will work with the Real Estate Institute of Victoria, the Tenants Union of Victoria and Consumer Affairs Victoria to produce the new guide, which will be available next year.
It is expected the guide will advise prospective tenants of the level of rent they should expect to pay given the amenities provided by the property, as well as information about adequate provision of essential utilities, such as water, gas and electricity, safety and security features.